Elements/Avon Types
Avon types are split into two categories, Emitter and Manipulator.
An Emitter does not need anything specific near them in order to use their Avon, a good example of this would be a fire Avonite, where they can generate their own fire.
A Manipulator is capable of only modifying items that are near them, for example a water Avonite would be useless in the desert.
Avonites typical eye color is one of the few related to their Avon type, however a mutation or trauma to the eyes can cause this color to be non-typical. Trauma induced color change will have the main eye color changed with remnants of the original color remaining.
Avon is like stamina, its not exactly a finite resource, and you regenerate it over time, you can also push yourself and end up hurting yourself by using too much Avon and being burnt out for a time.
The Fire Avonites are naturally agile and rarely injure themselves leaving them to be daring and what some would consider crazy, they cannot naturally create explosions and though their powers are limited, they can do many neat small things like detect nearby heat and increase living beings heat temperature depending on how much skill the user has. Out of all the Avon elements, fire Avonites are known to be one of the most helpful elements towards others.
Eye Colors; Yellow, Orange, and Orange-Red
Aura; Looks like a fire surrounding them
Subtypes of Fire
Torch - Emitter - The most common type of fire Avonite, capable of creating fire
Heat Manipulator - Manipulator - all Torch's are capable of heat manipulation, however a few people can specialize or are only capable in heat manipulation.
Earth Avonites can manipulate and move their surrounding raw material that isn’t living creatures, most earth Avonites are also naturally physically strong but are found to be usually shorter than other Avonites, they’ve found to be rarely educated leaving them confused on what would be considered semi-common things. Most earth Avonites travel in packs increasing their survival rate but they rarely leave their kingdoms seeing little reason.
Eye Colors; Brown, Dark Gray, Green
Aura: Appears as floating rocks and clumps of dirt, with bits of brown smoke forming into the rocks.
Subtypes of earth
Rock - Manipulator - Only capable of manipulating and shaping earth and rock.
Metal - Manipulator - Only capable of manipulating and shaping metal, can undo a certain level of rust.
The light Avonites have been known to be weak with their magic only being able to create limited light creations but they make up that with their mental abilities, light Avonites have the abilities to sense a person’s sins, worries, and mental pain allowing them to help people achieve a mental state of peace or if needed they can slightly read a person’s memories, some light Avonites will use Avon shards to strengthen their abilities as well.
Eye Colors; White or Silver
Aura; it can be either small floating orbs of light, or an aura outlining the Avonite.
Subtypes of Light
Emitter - capable of creation and removal of their own sources of light and creation of lasers
Manipulator - capable of dimming and increasing brightness of nearby light sources, however incapable of completely shrouding a light like a shadow Avonite.
Energy Avonites are secluded but controlled people that rarely leave their guarded lands, they are advanced in technology but their governing system sees that the world doesn’t deserve any energy Avonites, so rarely any leave their small cities. The average energy Avonite is smart and even the most untrained energy Avonite can shoot lighting out of their body showing that they are a powerful yet untrained kind of Avonite when it comes to their potential.
Eye Colors; Silver or Blue-Gray
Aura; Looks like sparks of electricity.
An Energy Avonite is only an Emitter
Life Avonites are well known for having long lives with an average of about 200 years and the rare times of over 300 years old. they’re known as the protectors of all-natural life on Sumjen, they’re very in tune with their abilities making them one of the most powerful foes one would face, and most of all their known for making many jokes but sadly they're almost always pretty bad.
Eye Colors; Brown, Green or a mix of both Brown and Green
Aura: Vine-like Avon wraps up and around their arms and legs.
Healer - Manipulator - a healer is capable of increasing the regenerative capabilities of a person, it will cause them to recover faster but burns a lot of stamina.
Creator/Gardiner - Emitter - A life Avon user that is capable of creating plants and in rare cases being capable of creating a living creature.
The air Avonites are well known for their natural ability to hover or float, they’re known for being overwhelmingly fast at times though the air Avonites are lazy people, not caring to get much done knowing they could do anything they needed before an hour even passed.
Eye Colors; White or Gray
Aura; It blurs the Avonite, making it hard to tell their precise position.
Air is only a Manipulator - They are capable of separating air from water allowing them to breath underwater. Can increase or decrease air pressure, and can move air.
Water Avonites are stubborn people that live across the islands of the planet. Water Avonites don’t feel the need to contact other Avonites and choose to be on their own, their abilities to travel the oceans and use the waters to almost any advantage they need have been known to many that the water Avonite, no matter who they are, will be powerful and if pissed off will have your life drift away.
Eye Colors; Sea-green, Blue, Aqua
Aura; Floating droplets of water.
water Avonites are manipulators - While not near a water of body they wouldn't seem to be useful, they can pull water from clouds, fog, and even humidity. can freeze and unfreeze water and move water.
The chaos Avonites, the most abused, attacked, and angered elemental throughout time on planet Sumjen, though almost thousands of years of adapting the chaos Avonites grown the abilities to create both mental and physical chaos to a person, they can fill someone’s mind with thoughts and ideas of them being tortured, killed and really anything that would be considered chaotic for the mind. chaos Avonites can also in the physical sense create explosions in any form shape or way they can think and in a small Sense, some can tap into their deeper abilities, such as illusions and dark magic. The chaos Avonites use dark magic to shield themselves from the mental abilities of light Avonites and to a limited extent soul Avonites seeing how without dark magic a trained light or soul Avonite can bring down an untrained chaos Avonite to their knees easily. the chaos Avonites had rarely been known to be at peace and would almost always be at war with other Avonites but the people themselves have strong beliefs in their god, they see the god of chaos as their protector, guide and saviour to show them the road to “peace”.
Eye Colors; Crimson, Black, Smokey-white
Aura; Crimson and black wisps of smoke
Chaos subtypes
Shadow - Emitter - a chaos Avonite capable of creation and manipulation of shadows, the are the polar opposite of a light Avonite.
Mental - Manipulator - specializes in attacks of the mind and psychological warfare.
Entropy - Manipulator - able to speed up decay.
Undefined - Emitter - the standard type of chaos Avonite, capable of creating explosions, fire, and no specialization that prevents them from using Shadow, Mental, or Entropy.
Soul Avonites are capable of moving Avon from one person to another, usually to themselves. They can disrupt others' Avon, temporarily sealing or controlling it. They also see fragments of memories and intentions and can help heal trauma.
They're known for being effective defenders against Chaos Avonites during the Fall, highly attuned to their abilities, and skilled in Avon arts and architecture. Some can manipulate and control Souls Avon around them.
Historically, Soul Avonites fought off Chaos Avonites during the Banishment, banishing them and their god Khazakrak to Zar'red, the planet's moon, using a creation item. Also due to their effectiveness in rendering Avon temporarily unusable, they had a kill-on-sight order during the Fall.
Soul Avonites can sense the presence of the God of Death, Torbo
Eye Color; Soul Blue
Aura; Small blue wispy flames
A soul Avonite is only a Manipulator - They are capable of moving Avon from one person to another, usually themself to another. They can disrupt the Avon of others, temporarily sealing it or causing it to be unable to be controlled for a short period of time. they can also see the fragments of other's memories and their intentions, and can help heal trauma.
Shifters and Hybrid
The Shifter Avonites are what other Avonites call them as “the cast-away”, some say the creation Avonites made the shifters as an act against the gods of their time and others think they get their powers from a genetic virus, the shifter Avonites and known to be able to change between 3 different elements but because of them only able to use 2 elements at the same time they’re known to not be very strong when it comes to combat which is why you don’t see many around.
Only around once a decade an Avonite is born as a Hybrid, its a combination of two Avon Types, they aren't always great at both and sometimes weak with the second but sometimes can be skilled with both, a prominent example of this type is Njord Arcon.
Extinct Avon types/Avonites
Ancients / Avon Avonites
Wiped out by Khazakrak and the chaos Avonites in 0AE.
Creation Avonites
Wiped out after a revolution of all Avon types in 15,700 EC / 3, 568 CW
The Creation Avonites had the ability to create almost anything, allowing rapid development of technology but also a near unbeatable power.
Avonite jobs in a mundane world
It is worth noting that these are examples and this isn't something hard set, An Avonite with no mental abilities can be a therapist, or even no special Avon abilities could work a farm, just jobs that came easier to their Avon types, was easier for them to do!
Fire -
Emergency responders, their agility, heat manipulation, and temperature resistance had them as excellent firefighters.
Artisians such as glass blowers, blacksmiths and chefs.
Earth -
Earth Avonites often found themselves in construction, mining, farming and sculpting when outside of the main earth kingdoms
The earth type of metal were good for low temperature metal shaping, and putting rebar into place in construction fields, and often could help with disaster relief.
Their abilities to move dirt for earth types was good for concrete moving and farming, making a long form task such as tilling the dirt take a lot less time
Light -
Typically found themselves as counselors and therapists, detectives and investigators, lawyers, teachers, and often Religious fields
Their abilities related to the mind made them excellent counselors and therapists
The abilities to glean memories and sense sins helped them as detectives and investigators and lawyers, however to prevent an Avonite from just going "yeah this guy did it" they would have multiple light Avonites check to make sure its right.
The light Avonites natural wisdom helped them lead religious groups which typically was just knowledge and research about Sumjens past and the current Avonites who've his God status.
Energy -
Energy Avonites typically found themselves as Electricians, engineers, medical professionals, researchers and scientists.
Energy Avonites using Avon to power cities was common place, both before and after the Fall
Their ability to harness energy using their Avon also made them work in other natural power generation fields as it was a lot safer for them than some others
They could use precise energy manipulation for therapies and nerve diagnosis and sometimes even surgeries.
The natural intelligence of Energy Avonites sometimes lead them to persue research jobs
Life -
A life Avonite often found themselves as healers, doctors, and farmers
Life Avonites often found themselves as Doctors, healers and veterinarians due to their natural healing abilities and being able to tell afflictions often times with a simple touch.
They also were great at farming and could help the plants stay healthy and extend growing seasons
Air -
Air Avonites often found themselves piloting once aircraft were invented along with meteorologists, climate research and disaster relief
Air Avonites often pilots due to air manipulation abilities and their knowledge of how the air is acting around the vehicles
Their understanding of air currents led them to understand weather patterns with easy and helped with weather prediction and even control
Water -
A Water Avontie typically found themselves as a Sailor, Marine Biologists, Enviromentalists, fire fighters and disaster relief
understanding the sea made water Avonites exceptional at Sailing and being able to dive deep underwater to study marine biology.
The ability to control water helped clean the oceans quicker than other groups could.
Water Avonites were very in firefighting events being able to move water and put out fires and even help in floods by moving water to different areas, albiet a difficult task
Chaos -
Chaos Avonites were tricky due to their naturally destructive Avon
They often were able to do military jobs, demolitions and under strict guidance Psychological research, just because they can manipulate the mind doesn't mean it has to be bad.
Soul -
Soul Avonites were often Architects, Spiritual guides by being able to access the spirit realm, and often lawyers or judges due to their abilities to tell emotions and see through lies.