Culture & Laws
Here we will mention various bits about Avonite Culture and bits about the Avonites!
Avonite Cultural Etiquette: The Weight of Titles
Among the Avonite people, titles carry significant weight, even when genuine allegiance is absent. A unique cultural practice dictates that "to refuse to call someone by their title is to challenge them to the title." This means that even those who vehemently disagree with a figure's authority will often address them by their proper title.
This custom is not an indication of true fealty, but rather a complex interplay of respect, social hierarchy, and a preference for indirect conflict. By adhering to formal titles, Avonites avoid direct challenges, maintaining a facade of civility while potentially harboring deep dissent. This practice highlights the subtle power dynamics within Avonite society, where outward respect can mask underlying tensions and veiled challenges. It serves as a reminder that in Avonite culture, titles are not merely labels, but tools used to navigate complex social interactions.
Sumjen Unification Proclamation: The Sumjen Unification Pact
Whereas, the planet Sumjen has endured a long period of conflict and division, known as the Era of Division; and
Whereas, the nations and tribes of Soul, Water, Fire, and Light, recognizing the imperative for peace and cooperation, have sought to forge a path towards unity; and
Whereas, the citizens of Sumjen desire a future of shared prosperity and harmony;
Therefore, the undersigned nations and tribes, representing the collective will of their people, hereby establish the Sumjen Unification Pact, ushering in the dawn of the Sumjen Unification.
Article I: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification
The Era of Division is hereby declared concluded.
The Sumjen Unification is hereby established, a cooperative union of nations and tribes dedicated to peace, prosperity, and mutual respect.
Article II: Principles of Unity
The signatory nations and tribes pledge to uphold the principles of non-aggression, mutual defense, and peaceful cooperation.
All disputes shall be resolved through diplomatic channels and peaceful negotiation.
The sovereignty of each nation and tribe shall be respected.
Article III: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Government
A provisional Sumjen Unification government is hereby established, composed of representatives from the signatory nations and tribes.
The provisional government shall be responsible for:
Coordinating efforts towards planetary unity.
Establishing a permanent governing structure.
Developing shared infrastructure and resources.
Promoting cultural exchange and understanding.
Article IV: The Sumjen Unification Calendar
To mark the dawn of the Sumjen Unification, a unified calendar system is hereby established.
The Sumjen Unification calendar shall consist of eight months: Sorlotite, Thunradian, Moro, Flara, Thundarian, Linoko, Aviol, and Kleetiph.
A normal year shall consist of 408 days, and a leap year shall consist of 416 days.
Article V: Open Invitation
All nations and tribes of Sumjen are invited to join the Sumjen Unification and adhere to the principles of this pact.
The provisional government shall facilitate the peaceful integration of new members.
Article VI: Ratification
This pact shall be ratified by the duly appointed representatives of the signatory nations and tribes.
Upon ratification, this pact shall become the foundational document of the Sumjen Unification.
The Nation of Soul
The Water Tribes
The Fire Kingdom
The Light Nation
Date: [TBD]
Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72 - Regulation of Avon Abilities and Societal Integration
Recognizing the inherent potential of Avon abilities to shape the planet Sumjen, and mindful of the need to ensure public safety, promote responsible use of these abilities, and foster the harmonious integration of all citizens, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance.
Article I: Declaration of Purpose
This ordinance establishes the foundational framework for the regulation of Avon abilities on the planet Sumjen, with the aim of promoting public safety, responsible use, and societal integration.
Article II: Definitions
Avonite: Any person born in any country, incorporated or unincorporated, on the planet Sumjen possessing inherent Avon abilities, regardless of the degree or manifestation of those abilities. This includes individuals with minimal or no discernible Avon usage, as well as those with highly developed Avon capabilities.
Avon Ability: The innate capacity to manipulate elemental forces, encompassing Fire, Earth, Light, Energy, Life, Air, Water, and Soul.
Elemental Manifestation: The outward expression of an Avon ability.
Responsible Use: The application of Avon abilities in a manner that prioritizes public safety and societal well-being.
Article III: Recognition of Fundamental Rights and Responsibilities
This ordinance establishes the fundamental rights of all citizens on the planet Sumjen, with specific considerations for the potential impact of Avon abilities.
It also defines the responsibilities of all citizens to use their abilities safely and responsibly for the betterment of society.
Article IV: Establishment of Regulatory Principles
The regulation of Avon abilities shall adhere to the following principles:
Balanced Regulation: Regulations shall strike a balance between safeguarding public safety and respecting individual freedoms.
Public Safety: Public safety shall be the paramount consideration in all Avon ability regulations.
Responsible Integration: Efforts shall be made to promote the responsible integration of Avonites into all aspects of society.
Right to Work: Avonites shall have the right to utilize their abilities in gainful employment, subject to appropriate regulations.
Article V: General Scope of Regulation
The following areas shall be subject to regulation:
Public use of Avon abilities.
Avon abilities in employment.
Avonite training and education.
Registration and licensing of Avonites.
Article VI: Delegation of Authority
The Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA) is hereby established and delegated the authority to create and enforce specific Avon ability regulations, as outlined in subsequent ordinances.
Article VII: Statement of Intent
The governing council expresses its intent to work collaboratively with the Avonite community to develop and implement fair and sensible regulations.
Amendment (Ratified [1988-1992 TBD]):
Effective from [TBD], this ordinance is amended to:
Include "Chaos" as a recognized Avon type, expanding the definition of Avon abilities to include the manipulation of Chaos.
Expand the reach of SUARA to include all citizens of the planet Sumjen, including those of Zar'red, in addition to Sumjen.
Effective Date: Immediate.
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council. The 1988 invasion amendment takes effect upon its ratification.
Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-A - Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority and Avonite Registration
Recognizing the necessity for the responsible and regulated use of Avon powers within the Sumjen Unification, and to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, the governing council hereby establishes the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA) and mandates the registration of all Avonites.
Article I: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA)
There is hereby established the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA), an independent body responsible for the oversight and regulation of all Avon usage within the Sumjen Unification.
SUARA shall be composed of [Number] members, appointed by the governing council, representing various Avon types and relevant expertise.
SUARA's responsibilities shall include:
Enforcing all Avon usage ordinances.
Maintaining a registry of all Avonites.
Issuing Avon usage licenses.
Investigating reports of Avon usage violations.
Providing public education on safe Avon usage.
Recommending amendments to Avon usage regulations.
Testing and documenting the ability levels of registered Avonites.
Article II: Avonite Registration
All Avonites residing within the Sumjen Unification are required to register with SUARA within [Timeframe] of this ordinance's ratification or upon reaching the age of maturity (16 years).
Registration shall include:
Full name and identification.
Avon type (Fire, Earth, Light, Energy, Life, Air, Water, Soul).
Demonstration of Avon abilities.
Any relevant medical or developmental information.
During registration, all Avonites will undergo an assessment to determine their current level of Avon ability. All Avonites must register their avon type, even if they show minimal to no abilities.
Article III: Avon Usage Licenses and Classifications
SUARA shall issue Avon usage licenses to registered Avonites, with tiered levels of authorization based on demonstrated ability and adherence to regulations.
Avon usage licenses will be issued based on the assessed ability level, with the following classifications:
Level 1 (Minimal Usage): Authorized for basic self-defense and essential work-related tasks.
Level 2 (Moderate Usage): Authorized for controlled training, approved public demonstrations, and specialized work.
Level 3 (Advanced Usage): Authorized for extensive use in approved capacities, including emergency response and specialized roles.
Licenses may be suspended or revoked for violations of Avon usage ordinances.
Article IV: Amendments
Amendment 1(a) (Ratified [Date]): Shifter Avonites are required to register their three elemental affinities with SUARA. Any changes in elemental affinities must be reported within [Timeframe].
Amendment 1(b) (Ratified [Date]): Hybrid Avonites are required to register their two elemental affinities with SUARA.
Amendment 2 (Ratified [Date]): SUARA is authorized to create and manage designated Avon training grounds within city limits. These grounds will be safe areas where Avonites can practice their abilities under supervision.
Amendment 3 (Ratified [Date]): SUARA is authorized to collect a small registration and licensing fee, to support the cost of the authority.
Amendment 4 (Ratified [Date]): SUARA is authorized to approve and issue licenses for Avonites to use their abilities in specific occupations, provided they meet the necessary qualifications and safety standards.
Article V: Confidentiality
All information collected during registration will be held in confidence, unless required by law, or for the safety of the public.
Effective Date:
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council. Amendments shall take effect upon their individual ratification dates.
Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-B - Regulation of Avon Usage within Urban Centers
Recognizing the inherent potential for both constructive and destructive applications of Avon usage, and mindful of the need to maintain public safety and order within the densely populated urban centers of the Sumjen Unification, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance:
Article I: Definitions
Avon Usage: Any deliberate or uncontrolled exertion of elemental power by an Avonite individual, encompassing but not limited to, the manipulation of Fire, Earth, Light, Energy, Life, Air, Water, or Soul.
Designated Training Grounds: Areas explicitly designated and sanctioned by the local city council for the purpose of Avonite training, sparring, or controlled elemental practice.
Work-Related Applications: Legitimate and necessary use of Avon usage in the performance of designated occupations or civic duties, as authorized by the relevant regulatory bodies.
Frivolous Use: Any application of Avon usage that is deemed unnecessary, excessive, or intended for purposes of entertainment, personal amusement, or public display outside of sanctioned events.
Dangerous Use: Any application of Avon usage that poses a direct or indirect threat to the safety, well-being, or property of individuals within the city limits.
Article II: Prohibitions
It is hereby prohibited for any Avonite individual to engage in dangerous or frivolous Avon usage within the boundaries of any Sumjen Unification city.
The use of Avon usage for purposes other than work-related applications, designated training, or sanctioned events is strictly forbidden.
Any uncontrolled or accidental manifestation of Avon power must be immediately reported to the local city guard or regulatory authority.
Article III: Enforcement and Penalties
Violations of this ordinance shall be subject to penalties, including but not limited to, fines, community service, temporary or permanent suspension of Avon usage privileges, and/or imprisonment, depending on the severity of the offense.
City guards and authorized regulatory personnel are empowered to enforce this ordinance and to apprehend individuals found in violation.
Any damages caused by the illegal use of Avon powers will be the sole responsibility of the one who used the powers.
Article IV: Exemptions
This ordinance does not apply to Avonite individuals engaged in official duties as members of the city guard or other sanctioned regulatory bodies.
In times of emergency, the city council may temporarily suspend this ordinance to allow for the necessary use of Avon usage for public safety.
Amendment (Ratified Kleetiph 50, 1985 SU):
Effective from Kleetiph 50, 1985 SU, this ordinance is amended to include exemptions for members of the Sumjen Unification military and official peacekeepers when engaged in active duty within city limits.
Amendment (Ratified Flara 12, 137 SU):
Effective from Flara 12, 137 SU, this ordinance is amended to allow the use of Avon by all Avon types, for the purposes of disaster prevention and relief. This includes, but is not limited to, actions taken to mitigate the effects of natural disasters, structural collapses, wildfires, and other events that pose a threat to public safety.
Effective Date:
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council.
The 1985 amendment takes effect upon its ratification on Kleetiph 50, 1985 SU.
The 137 SU amendment takes effect upon its ratification on Flara 12, 137 SU.
Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-C - Regulation of Avon Usage in the Workforce
Recognizing the increasing integration of Avonite abilities into various sectors of the Sumjen Unification workforce, and to ensure both the safety of workers and the responsible application of Avon powers in professional settings, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance, in conjunction with Ordinance 72-A.
Article I: Definitions (Referencing 72-A)
Definitions from Ordinance 72-A, including "Avon Usage," "Designated Training Grounds," "Avonite Registration," and "Avon Usage Licenses," are incorporated by reference into this ordinance.
Avon Usage in the Workforce: The application of Avon abilities, categorized as either "Emitter" (generating Avon independently) or "Manipulator" (modifying existing elements), in the performance of job-related duties.
Designated Avon Occupations: Occupations that require or utilize Avon abilities, as determined by the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA).
Article II: Licensing and Certification (Referencing 72-A)
Avonites engaged in Designated Avon Occupations must possess a valid Avon Usage License issued by SUARA, appropriate to the specific occupation and ability level (Level 1, 2, or 3 as defined in Ordinance 72-A).
SUARA shall establish certification programs for specific Designated Avon Occupations, requiring Avonites to demonstrate competency, adherence to Workplace Safety Standards, and understanding of their Avon type's limitations and potential.
Employers of Avonites in Designated Avon Occupations are responsible for verifying the validity of their employees' Avon Usage Licenses and certifications.
Article III: Workplace Safety Standards and Occupational Considerations
SUARA, in collaboration with industry bodies, shall develop and enforce Workplace Safety Standards for Designated Avon Occupations, taking into account the specific abilities and limitations of each Avon type (Fire, Earth, Light, Energy, Life, Air, Water, Soul).
These standards shall include, but not be limited to:
Guidelines for the safe use of specific Avon abilities (Emitter/Manipulator distinctions).
Required safety equipment and procedures.
Training and education requirements, including awareness of Avon burnout and life-force depletion.
Regular safety inspections and audits.
Employers are required to provide a safe work environment, and to make sure that all safety standards are being upheld.
Article IV: Protection Against Avon Burnout and Life-Force Depletion
Employers shall not require or coerce Avonites to exceed their safe Avon usage limits, as determined by SUARA guidelines and individual license classifications.
Avonites are entitled to refuse work assignments that pose a significant risk of Avon burnout or life-force depletion.
Employers shall provide adequate rest periods and resources for Avonites to recover from Avon usage.
Article V: Liability and Compensation
Employers shall be held liable for any damages or injuries resulting from the negligent or improper use of Avon abilities by their employees in the workplace, including incidents of Avon burnout or life-force depletion caused by employer negligence.
Avonites injured in the workplace due to the use of their abilities, including those suffering from Avon burnout or life-force depletion, shall be entitled to compensation in accordance with established worker's compensation laws.
Article VI: Reporting and Investigation
Avonites are encouraged to report any instances of workplace coercion or unsafe Avon usage to SUARA.
SUARA shall investigate all reports of Avon burnout or life-force depletion incidents in the workplace.
Article VII: Exemptions
This ordinance does not apply to the use of Avon powers in emergency situations, as defined in Ordinance 72-B, Amendment (Ratified Flara 12, 137 SU).
This ordinance does not apply to the use of Avon powers by the military or peacekeepers.
Article VIII: Enforcement and Penalties
SUARA shall be responsible for enforcing this ordinance, including conducting workplace inspections and investigations.
Violations of this ordinance shall be subject to penalties, including fines, suspension or revocation of licenses and certifications, and/or legal action.
Effective Date: [TBD]
This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council.