Culture & Laws

Here we will mention various bits about Avonite Culture and bits about the Avonites!


Avonite Cultural Etiquette: The Weight of Titles

Among the Avonite people, titles carry significant weight, even when genuine allegiance is absent. A unique cultural practice dictates that "to refuse to call someone by their title is to challenge them to the title." This means that even those who vehemently disagree with a figure's authority will often address them by their proper title.

This custom is not an indication of true fealty, but rather a complex interplay of respect, social hierarchy, and a preference for indirect conflict. By adhering to formal titles, Avonites avoid direct challenges, maintaining a facade of civility while potentially harboring deep dissent. This practice highlights the subtle power dynamics within Avonite society, where outward respect can mask underlying tensions and veiled challenges. It serves as a reminder that in Avonite culture, titles are not merely labels, but tools used to navigate complex social interactions.


Sumjen Unification Proclamation: The Sumjen Unification Pact


Whereas, the planet Sumjen has endured a long period of conflict and division, known as the Era of Division; and
Whereas, the nations and tribes of Soul, Water, Fire, and Light, recognizing the imperative for peace and cooperation, have sought to forge a path towards unity; and
Whereas, the citizens of Sumjen desire a future of shared prosperity and harmony;
Therefore, the undersigned nations and tribes, representing the collective will of their people, hereby establish the Sumjen Unification Pact, ushering in the dawn of the Sumjen Unification.

Article I: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification

Article II: Principles of Unity

Article III: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Government

Article IV: The Sumjen Unification Calendar

Article V: Open Invitation

Article VI: Ratification


Date: [TBD]

Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72 - Regulation of Avon Abilities and Societal Integration


Recognizing the inherent potential of Avon abilities to shape the planet Sumjen, and mindful of the need to ensure public safety, promote responsible use of these abilities, and foster the harmonious integration of all citizens, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance.

Article I: Declaration of Purpose

Article II: Definitions

Article III: Recognition of Fundamental Rights and Responsibilities

Article IV: Establishment of Regulatory Principles

Article V: General Scope of Regulation

Article VI: Delegation of Authority

Article VII: Statement of Intent

Amendment (Ratified [1988-1992 TBD]):

Effective Date: Immediate.

This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council. The 1988 invasion amendment takes effect upon its ratification.

Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-A - Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority and Avonite Registration


Recognizing the necessity for the responsible and regulated use of Avon powers within the Sumjen Unification, and to ensure the safety and well-being of all citizens, the governing council hereby establishes the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA) and mandates the registration of all Avonites.

Article I: Establishment of the Sumjen Unification Avon Regulatory Authority (SUARA)

Article II: Avonite Registration

Article III: Avon Usage Licenses and Classifications

Article IV: Amendments

Article V: Confidentiality

All information collected during registration will be held in confidence, unless required by law, or for the safety of the public.

Effective Date:

This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council. Amendments shall take effect upon their individual ratification dates.

Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-B - Regulation of Avon Usage within Urban Centers


Recognizing the inherent potential for both constructive and destructive applications of Avon usage, and mindful of the need to maintain public safety and order within the densely populated urban centers of the Sumjen Unification, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance:

Article I: Definitions

Article II: Prohibitions

Article III: Enforcement and Penalties

Article IV: Exemptions

Amendment (Ratified Kleetiph 50, 1985 SU):

Amendment (Ratified Flara 12, 137 SU):

Effective Date:

Sumjen Unification Proclamation: Ordinance 72-C - Regulation of Avon Usage in the Workforce


Recognizing the increasing integration of Avonite abilities into various sectors of the Sumjen Unification workforce, and to ensure both the safety of workers and the responsible application of Avon powers in professional settings, the governing council hereby enacts the following ordinance, in conjunction with Ordinance 72-A.

Article I: Definitions (Referencing 72-A)

Article II: Licensing and Certification (Referencing 72-A)

Article III: Workplace Safety Standards and Occupational Considerations

Article IV: Protection Against Avon Burnout and Life-Force Depletion

Article V: Liability and Compensation

Article VI: Reporting and Investigation

Article VII: Exemptions

Article VIII: Enforcement and Penalties

Effective Date: [TBD]

This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ratification by the Sumjen Unification governing council.